Understanding and Managing ADHD in Adults and Children

If you live in Rego Park, NY, and suspect ADHD in yourself or your child, it’s time to seek intervention. The mental health professionals at Queens Consultation Center handle such diagnoses and treatments. Proper care can help people live productive lives and develop better coping mechanisms.

What Are the Symptoms of ADHD?

 One of the signs that a child or adult may have ADHD is when they have a short attention span. It may not be easy to sustain focus and carry out a task. Therefore, children in school may have a hard time until they receive a proper diagnosis. Adults may make a lot of mistakes and have problems completing instructions, as well. Someone dealing with this disorder may be very forgetful and distracted, sometimes during the middle of the conversation.

The hyperactivity part of the disorder shows up in behavior, such as constant movement, fidgeting, and overall restlessness. It can be challenging for a child with ADHD to remain seated when they’re supposed to. They may also begin running and climbing at times when it’s not appropriate. Impulsivity is also part of this disorder, as it involves constantly interrupting others.

How Does Treatment Work for ADHD?

 As medical practitioners and therapists have come to understand more about this disorder, more treatment options have become available. When you consult with doctors in Rego Park, NY, they may use group therapy or psychotherapy to help you manage ADHD. Psychotherapy can help you handle your time management and impulse control. It can also help you improve your problem-solving abilities. 

They are medications that help people manage their diagnosis, which either fit in the stimulant or non-stimulant category. Some people may benefit from antidepressants, such as atomoxetine. Amphetamine and other stimulants can help balance neurotransmitters that affect your ability to focus and concentrate.

Those dealing with ADHD, particularly as adults, may worry about their relationships, but proper treatment and intervention can help improve how they interact with people and boost self-esteem. Children can enhance their interaction with peers and school activities by getting early intervention in therapy and meditation.

Contact Us Today! 

 Our team of mental health clinicians at Queens Consultation Center can help you manage a diagnosis of ADHD. When you are an adult with ADHD or a parent trying to help their child, you have professional care available for ADHD in Rego Park, NY. Call us at (718) 459-1225 for an appointment today.

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