Anxiety Disorders: From Generalized Anxiety to Panic Attacks

Most people experience anxiety at some time - the feeling of uneasiness before a date, test, competition, etc. According to the mental health professionals at Queens Consultation Center, who serve the greater Rego Park, NY area, anxiety disorders embody an array of conditions that range from generalized anxiety disorder to panic disorders.

Anxiety Symptoms

 Anxiety is the way your body prepares for danger or a challenge. The heart pumps faster, providing blood and oxygen, so you are ready to act when needed. 

Feeling anxious is expected, at least when one’s safety, happiness, or health is threatened. It becomes problematic when chronically overwhelmed without an apparent cause. Common anxiety symptoms include -

  • Being unable to relax.
  • Pounding heart, rapid pulse, irregular breath.
  • Unrealistic worry.
  • Chest pain.
  • Sleep issues.
  • Dry mouth
  • Trembling and sweating.
  • Dizziness or detachment.

Type of Anxiety

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder 
      Those with GAD find they are challenged by persistent or heightened levels of worry that surpass the anxiety most people experience. Symptoms also include headaches, nausea, fatigue, etc.  
  • Phobias
      Phobias refer to fears of a particular object or situation and are typically irrational. Thinking about the phobic object can trigger anxiety or panic. The most common specific phobic reaction is an overwhelming fear of public speaking. Other phobias include –
    • Heights.
    • Enclosed spaces.
    • Animals.
    • Tunnels.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
      Social Phobia (a.k.a. SAD) is defined by severe anxiety caused by self-consciousness that happens in everyday social situations. This fear leads to avoidance behaviors regarding work, school, or ordinary activities.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
       Those with OCD have anxious, chronic, and unwelcome behaviors and thoughts that are uncontrollable and often create the need for rituals. A person is aware of the need for the ritual but has no other way to relieve their obsessive thought.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
      PTSD affects people after dramatically frightening events like a car accident, abuse, or natural disaster. PTSD also causes flashbacks, nightmares, aggression, and a feeling of detachment. 
  • Panic Disorder/Panic Attacks
      Individuals with panic disorder have panic attacks - intense feelings of terror that strike unexpectedly and suddenly. In addition to typical symptoms of anxiety, a panic attack may cause someone to feel like they can’t breathe, like they are having a heart attack, or even dying. Panic disorders often sometimes begin during early adulthood. 

Contact Leading Rego Park, NY Mental Health Professionals Today

 Untreated anxiety can cause a host of problems, including substance abuse and more. If your routine is disrupted by excessive worry or anxiety, contact a team or staff member of the Queens Consultation Center at 718-459-1225 or online for more information and available treatment options.

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